This is the most researched parody comic I've ever drawn (so far).
Although some of the portrayals of real persons in CK: 10 Years On may seem a bit mean, unfair, and downright slanderous (see Max Payne's cameo), remember that it is all in fun and that the people in question have - judging from the games that they've produced - a sense of humour. (And if I end up being portrayed as some slobbering, mindless cannon-fodder gimp in 3D Realms's next game (I wish!), I know that I had it coming!)
Some of the sneaky things that skim-readers might not have noticed:
The background of the John Carmack interview is directly taken from the secret "Apogee Room" from Bio Menace.

One for all you nerds who sit in Star Trek movies saying "That couldn't happen, it violates Heisenberg's laws of uncertainty" - In the picture of the Dopefish giving out autographs, there is a geek wearing a t-shirt with a Quake II logo on it. This is supposed to be taking place circa 1992-3... But wait a minute - Quake wasn't even released until 1996 and Quake II didn't come along until 1997! If you find any more of these anachronisms, feel free to flame me about it.

The poster for Commander Keen, Kid Genius is based on one of the (many) posters for Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

On the Keenstock "stage", there has been painted a Dopefish, a Poison Slug, and the "legendary" picture of Tom Hall.

In the crowd, just before the Battering Ram picture, there is a Garg. Also look for Wally/Waldo.

Leon Winstef (the ringleader of Keen Three) is an anagram of the REAL killer of Commander Keen. Work it out for yourself.

Other boring things of note:
Originally, I was just going to end the story with Billy flying a Bean-With-Bacon Megarocket out of his mansion, and have it explode in mid-air... his body was never found...
But then I suddenly had a great idea: the carnivorous Yorp attack. And then everbody could get really mad and crucify Billy on his pogo stick.
The representations of the real people and the computer game characters aren't meant to insult, they're intended to shock - and make you laugh at the improbability of it all. This mockmentary, as I implied earlier, is supposed to be humorous fun for everyone. So if you don't want to find it funny, then it's humorous fun for everyone but you.

You can quote me on that.