E-mail me! ('Cause I must be VERY bored, right?)
This Strife - Kindly hosting this animation, whilst providing many colourful 3D sprite comics and a lively discussion forum.
TmsT Comicpage - I don't just make Dopefish animations, I also produce a full-colour comic at least once every week!
More of my Flash Animations (But wait there's more?!)
The Chasm of Strife - My Commander Keen comics
"Commander Keen: Ten Years On" - My OTHER great masterpiece.
If I had to give a list of "Big Ups" to every person who did something that I somehow used in the creation of Dopefission, the list would not only be enormously long, but it would also
be embarrassingly incomplete. Those who deserve the most credit got their names in the animation anyway, but for those of you who want others to know what part you played in this animation,
please visit the This Strife discussion forums that I have set up for discussing
the credits and
general comments, respectively. If you're not already a member,
simply submit a username & password to "New User" and you're ready to go! It's that simple - no e-mail address or other personal info required. So come on & join the This Strife
community - the Swedish Government decrees that it be so!