Source: Steps: * Unpacked, short of install.txt and the BAT files. * Renamed qdmpdemo.con to GAME.CON. * Unpacked QDMPDEMO.GRP with kextract and then deleted QDMPDEMO.GRP. * Removed GAME.CON as unpacked from the GRP. Basically the same as the one from, but still including DEFS.CON and USER.CON as separate files and missing an addition to the file's header identifying itself as a part of qdmpdemo v1.0. * However, the GRP's DEFS.CON and USER.CON were left in, just in case of any relevance (e.g., loading one mod on top of another one). * Created a new archive from the available contents. On a side-note,'s external GAME.CON file had an identical copy of DEFS.CON's contents from the GRP. It also had virtually the exact unmodified contents of the GRP's USER.CON, short of episodes 2-4's names (the unused CON file had purposed episode names).