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Old news
- 14/01/2010
Well well, somewhat long time with no website updates. Well, here are a few things to tell.
First of all, I may be somewhat late, but I should tell that there has been some work for something new in the EDuke32 source port of the game Duke Nukem 3D. It may still be in some kind of an Alpha stage, but I'd tell about it anyway. Well, I know that Dukers have been waiting for it, possibly for years. So, here I go...
Client-Server multiplayer! That's right, EDuke32 is finally expected to support in-game joining the modern way. Once it supports server advertising and a few game servers are up, it should be much more straight-forward to get a Dukematch game working!
Of course, any supported mp game other than Dukematch should work as well. We have Cooperative gameplay, and a few may also like "Duke-Tag!".
To another topic, I should send congratulations to Gal Shemesh, also known as goldeng, for completing his work for "dubbing" all levels of the old good Prince of Persia game. You can visit his page on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/goldeng.
To one last "little" topic, I've made a few changes with the files available from the Downloads section. A few are removed, others are added. That's it basically.
- 20/11/2009
UPDATE: As in the news post of March 24th, 2010, a link to the alternate home of YANG was given. Due to another relocation, it's not provided anymore. Current location (as of June 3rd, 2010): http://yang-online.com/
So, it's time to announce some kind of "breaking news" (well sort of), made up of two parts. Lets begin with the first.
1. Changes in the "YANG Team" are expected to occur. Here is a way to make it clear:
Current team:
- NY00123 - Original YANG coder and the one who started YANG; Also having a website where you can download YANG from, and talking about YANG in forums.
- Replica - Host of a YANG master server for listing rooms.
- Turrican - Another YANG coder who joined not much after YANG has begun supporting room advertising.
The proposed team to be after the change:
- Replica - Host of a YANG master server and a website for YANG. Also expected to talk with ppl about YANG in places like forums.
- Turrican - The only YANG coder.
An alternate website for YANG is basically up right now. Here's the link: *Link removed, see top of this news post for details*
It should be noted that my website should still be up. In fact, I don't consider my website to be "The YANG Website", mainly because it was born more than a year before YANG ever existed. And it does have things not directly related to YANG, of course.
As of today, my website may still have contents related to YANG, mainly because YANG itself still links to my website in a few ways. But this is expected to change.
Well, as you can see, I basically abandon direct involvement in YANG, letting other people continue where I stop.
One possible reason for abandoning is that, in fact, I haven't really been actively playing a game like Duke online, for a few years. So, one may wonder why would I be interested in working on something like YANG from the beginning. A possible reason is that, apparently, I had in my head for quite a long time, the idea of having something like Dukester X and Dukonnector, but also working on Linux. And maybe not really much more than that.
I decided to let Turrican and Replica continue the work, as I feel that I can trust them, and also that they would keep maintaining it with the same goals I had. One very important goal of YANG is to be a portable program. That is, not Windows only.
2. Now, to the second part of the announcement. I think that I'd take a break from the online Duking community for an unknown amount of time.
It can be a month, a year, ten years, my whole life. I don't know.
So, you may ask, what does a break from a community mean? Well, for instance, it can mean, to not visit forums directly relevant to this community.
Now people may ask why.
Well, first of all, not being in the community is maybe not really new for me, as I haven't really been playing Duke online for a few years. So maybe I wasn't a true part of the community after all, and so it isn't so new.
As I've said before, I got to work on YANG, maybe just to get something portable similar to the other programs mentioned before. There were short periods of having a high motivation, with long breaks (say 3 months). And indeed, progress was gradual... But, eventually, I got to a state where YANG can be a viable alternative. Room advertising supported, along with MAP file transfer which can be done in parallel to other operations like chatting. And of course, supporting more source ports, including Shadow Warrior source ports. DOS games have also been supported with the help of the DOSBox emulator.
Since then, it took a short while until it really caught up. People still used Dukester X, because everybody has been using it for years. Then, Lycos has shut down hosting services, which basically meant the Dukester X main master server was down for a month or two. This is when people actually migrated to YANG.
That was nice to see it happening. I do realise that maybe it would never happen if Dukester X wasn't down for that kind of a period. After all, most of the players using Dukester X didn't migrate to Dukonnector, even though it had global chat and supports more games and source ports.
So far, so good. Players migrated to YANG and got to use it. But then, less than two months since the latest YANG update of February 2009, a fork of YANG was born. Although not noticeable immediately, it seems to be the beginning of some kind of a dark(er) period for me. It was mainly noticeable starting in July. It has begun a little after when I've thought about actually turning YANG into a closed source application. At the very end of July, for a few reasons or others, I decided to do it. It did mean that I'd be harder to make other programs connect to the YANG networks. This is basically when things really got worse, including a "cold war" with the one who forked YANG.
So, you may ask, why was YANG open source anyway? Well, here are a few possible reasons:
- YANG aims to be portable. As an open source app, people could get it to compile on platforms or operating systems I may not use, such as FreeBSD. Even when we talk about Linux, which I'm using as of today, an executable that I compile would probably not work well on all Linux distributions, even if we keep using the same computer. So it seemed to make sense.
- I had no intention to do something like making money from YANG.
- I haven't seen a good reason to close source. I did realise that players wanted Dukester X to be open, and that a few would like to modify it only if they could. So, this is what I did.
- In general, I think I was very open back then. Why should I put many limitations on stuff like the distribution of things that I upload? Doesn't it seem a bit scary for the ones who get stuff? (Think of seeing "You may NOT do this and that...")
Heh, I know it's maybe an extreme way to think about that, but it's still a way of thinking...
- In fact, even after hearing about the possibilities of hacking, I still quite insisted on YANG being open. I guess the main reason is the portability.
- There are many other open source programs, which are also successful.
This is what I thought before. Now you may wonder: Shouldn't I be happy that what I did becomes useful, in any fork of YANG?
Well, one possible reason is the goal of portability I had for a long time, which basically broke with the YANG fork.
Another one is that, now I realise, I developed some kind of an emotional connection to YANG. It feels like it's my own thing.
While talking with one individual or more about the situation with YANG and the fork, I was actually told that I was obsessive about it, just like how a boy can be obsessive about a girl, talking about her all the time.
To be honest, I did get to check IRC logs and forum posts (and maybe still do it, probably very little), just to see people talking about YANG and how much they liked it. It's some kind of a satisfaction. And why not, considering the thought and work I made into YANG. Of course I looked for such posts when players moved to YANG. And then, I could see the first post about the YANG fork, in the Dukester X forums. Even though there were just little changes to YANG, it already felt like I lose something.
After all, a YANG fork wouldn't be possible without all the work into YANG, but I also wouldn't see people crediting me the way they did before...
Now, don't get me wrong. In YANG you can find an "About" message box with credits to other people. It is true that I designed the YANG interface with Dukonnector in my mind, at least partially. And so, it was a good reason for me to mention Dukonnector and aaBlueDragon, the author of Duko.
Well, I could see there may be bad relationships between the one who forked YANG and me, and even between him and Replica. That's because Replica has been hosting a master server for the now closed source YANG. And I could see what appears to be the opposite of crediting (that is, being against us, yet using the work of mine).
So, I realise that there may be even more problematic relationships, between me and other people; Interests would be involved here. And the feeling of loss... as someone basically took full control over YANG, while it's that program with the emotional feelings that I've got...
Therefore, it may be better for me to just take a break from the online Duking community.
Now, a few more things to tell:
- These days, I think that if I ever start a new program where it takes some time to start it, like YANG, it'd be closed source. Or at least as long as it can be done legally (considering the licensing terms of outside code or libraries). After all, I don't even have to work on any program as a hobby; I owe nothing to the community; And a closed source program is better than nothing.
- Considering how were Replica and me treated, it's important to remember that we both don't owe anything to anybody. As I said, If I want a program like YANG to be closed source and it's legal to do it, it'll be closed. Regarding Replica, it's also correct that all he wanted is to do a favour and host a master server for me. And later, there have been problems regarding relationships...
- Maybe I should start something, in case that I think that I'd actually use it. Something that I'd really like to work on, have fun with it. Oh wait, but maybe I thought that I'd be back to play Duke online again, once there's a multiplayer front-end working on Linux natively...
To finish, thanks for everybody who's been using YANG, and/or supporting me.
- 11/11/2009
I think I'd tell that someone has decided to have an APT repository for EDuke32, hosted on duke4.net.
Basically, if you're using a certain version of Debian or Ubuntu, you can get add repositories so you can install EDuke32.
After installation and in case of an update, you should be notified of it when you're notified of repository updates in general, assuming everything works as expected.
A Link for instructions: http://wiki.eduke32.com/wiki/APT_repository.
- 24/10/2009
Version 0.81 of YANG has been released. The following issues have been addressed:
- Wrong icon has been used for the executable on Windows. Now it shouldn't be.
- If the host changes settings and no MOD files are selected, there shouldn't be an unnecessary new line appearing.
- A few changes for support of a certain official Descent 2 add-on. - Turrican
Oh yeah...a few other things that should be mentioned. About Descent 1 and 2, the host can start a game alone, and players can join while the game is running. If a map is missing, it should be transferred to you (as a client) before you can join.
Also, note that the details like map you see in Descent 1 and 2 rooms may have been changed by the host while being in game.
- 19/10/2009
UPDATE: Oh my... it happened again. If you're using the Windows version of YANG, please re-download.
For validation: Size of yang-0.80-win32.exe == 2149330 bytes; Size of yang-0.80-win32.zip == 2095981 bytes.
Version 0.80 has been released, mostly thanks to the efforts of Turrican.
- Improper UI used on Windows XP/Vista/7 (UI controls making it feel like Windows 2000) - lets hope it's fixed now.
- To avoid issues with DOS games, I should mention that now, the amount of RAM for DOS games is always set to be 32MB.
- YANG isn't just for Build games anymore. Thanks to a lot of work made by Turrican, it now supports Descent 1 and 2!
You can run each of them using the corresponding DXX-Rebirth source port (D1X-Rebirth or D2X-Rebirth). You should also be able to run the originals using the DOSBox emulator.
- As a result, a few changes have been done to the map file transfer mechanism.
- Furthermore, in a few UI dialogs, what has been called "Episode Map" before is now called "Original Map". Makes more sense now.
- When someone tries to join you a room with a too high ping, you should now see the corresponding country.
Now, just one more thing. I'm aware of the tree in the main window and the fact it's big and you may not want to see all of it. Well, I can say that future changes are planned, which may affect the way the tree is used. So a change you'd like may come later.
- 06/10/2009
Just updated a few of the screenshots of YANG.
- 29/09/2009
An update to YANG is available, marking it as version 0.72.
- Made a few changes regarding the validation of DOS games, so now the GOG.com release of Duke3D should be recognized.
- If you're using Duke3dw, you should now be able to select a player color.
- On the Mac, hopefully, Application Bundles (like DOSBox.app) should now be supported.
- The directory for Blood MOD files should now be hidden, cause it isn't really used, at least for now.
- 23/09/2009
That was a long time, huh? Well, a month has passed, minus one day :P
It's now the time to release YANG v0.70. Thanks to the efforts of Turrican for most of the following updates.
The latest of the updates is maybe the most important one.
- First, just one thing to note: If you host a room and check to record a game, it'll now be recorded on the clients' sides too.
A claim for that is that the clients wouldn't be recorded while not being aware of that. - Turrican
- Due to financial issues, there's now a single server list of rooms, and not two.
- Demo playback has been fixed. For Duke Nukem 3D, it has been fixed for user maps.
For Shadow Warrior, it has been fixed for episode maps. - Turrican
- Made a fix for certain users who may like to have a room with Internet and LAN players, mixed.
Apparently, with certain firewalls or routers, one can't connect to a server (join a room) with its own external IP. - Spanator
- A few UI changes in the host and client rooms. This is also a preparation for the major addition mentioned at the end. - Turrican
- If you play a DOS game, note that you may need to reconfigure something. There's a separation to the different versions.
This is also related to the latest major addition. - Turrican
- And finally, BLOOD SUPPORT! That's right, there's now support for Blood, thanks to the efforts of Turrican.
This is, in fact, why he made certain UI changes, along with a few technical changes to DOS games support, regarding the different versions.
So, if you have Blood and want to play some Blood match, get DOSBox and YANG and start a bloodbath!
- 24/08/2009
Users of NOD32, you may get a false virus alarm with YANG. As mentioned, it's false and shouldn't happen, so it can be ignored.
Now, to feel safer, here are the relevant file sizes you should get when you download YANG on Windows:
yang-0.60-win32.zip - 2141337 bytes.
yang-0.60-win32.exe - 2194904 bytes.
If you get a wrong file size, please remove the downloaded file and re-download it. Then re-check the file size.
- 24/08/2009
YANG v0.60 has been released.
- A quite minor "update": Older versions were numbered 0.2 and 0.3. Now though, I number this 0.60 and not 0.6. Just to stay homogenous with other version numbers.
- More UI fixes and updates, along with a major one mostly coded by Turrican: A tree for filtering the list of rooms by game or source port.
- As a few have maybe noticed, Windows 9x support has been (temporarily) borked since version 0.53, when I switched to MSVC++ 2005 Express Edition, for compilation of YANG. Previously, limited support was there for quite a short period, with versions 0.47k, 0.48, 0.48a, and a second release of 0.47j.
Now I'm back to using MinGW, and I can inform that two other users have got YANG to work on Windows 98 SE.
- Some words regarding Mac OS X support. I have had initial OS X work together with someone known as Dopefish7590.
Later, someone known as rhoenie has hosted quite a few Mac executables of YANG. Not all, nor even most. But he has still compiled and hosted.
Now Turrican has come, also got to test YANG on OS X, and as it seems, can provide me OS X executables for now! So, you can get one.
- For now, you can't use the dark theme on OS X. I'm not using OS X but there could be something related to aesthetics.
- Server lists are now hosted on port number 3333, as a trial to avoid issues that a few users had, when the lists were hosted on port 8000 (yes, it's related to the port number, apparently).
- In chat rooms, you can now enable time stamps.
- If you use the SWP source port, a game type (like Wangbang) is now set for multi-player games.
- For EDuke32, Duke3dw and SWP, MAP files are not copied from the configured maps dir anymore.
Instead, the maps dir is specified as a search path for each of these source ports.
This is also relevant to MOD files, although I may change the way MODs are handled. No promise as usual, but it may happen soon.
- 13/08/2009
An updated YANG demonstration video edited by Replica is now embedded in the Video clips section.
- 13/08/2009
First of all, I've forgotten to mention that the current server list version is incompatible with YANG v0.54. So is YANG v0.57 itself.
But now, version 0.58 of YANG has been released, with the following updates:
- First of all, if you changed the text and/or background colors in chat and wonder where are the settings gone,
using v0.58: Well, they aren't. Go back to the chat layout dialog where you've chosen the colors.
You can see that this time, there's one checkbox for text font and size, and another one for the text and background colors.
- Minor layout changes have been done. As an example, one hosting with version 0.57 could see a bunch of buttons at the bottom.
Some of them have been moved to be just below the players table.
- Now for hosting private rooms online, a better and easier-to-use solution available is: Password protected rooms!
These rooms can be advertised, while there's still a limited access to them.
Please note that there's a special checkbox that you should check, if you want the room to be private permanently.
Furthermore, the "Manual Join" dialog is now recommended for local (LAN) games only.
- SWP players, you can now choose the player color in multi-player games.
Game type choice (with SWP) is expected to come later, at a point when I update the server list software again.
- A few possible bug fixes I may forget again.
- 11/08/2009
YANG v0.57 has been released, with the following updates:
- The manual join portion in the main window has moved back to its own dialog.
Yes, it was in its own dialog before. That was in versions preceding v0.45, which many of you may have not used.
- By request of one user or two, you can now see the list of rooms while you're already in some room.
Press the button "Show rooms list" to see.
- Another request: You can optionally set customized font, text size and colors for the chat input and output.
Lets see if there aren't serious bugs, as it was somewhat problematic to implement on Windows.
- I've removed the "Send" button from the chat rooms. It isn't really useful anyway.
- You can now see the list of players in a room with the IP addresses, countries and operating systems, without joining.
- Thanks to a bit of work by me, but most of it by Turrican, there's now a functioning "Ready" button.
- Fixed a few bugs I may forget. I'd say that one of them is a security fix.
- 31/07/2009
YANG v0.54 has been released, with the following updates:
- First of all, this version is network-incompatible with all of the previous versions, and so is the server list software.
- YANG is now closed source.
- Added support to ban clients by IP. You can optionally decide where to store the banlist (in some dialog).
- When you host a room with a max ping limit and someone tries to join you with a too high ping,
you should now see the client's nickname.
- For comfortability, added a few commands for the chat rooms, using (almost?) the same format as in a fork of YANG.
- Fixed a few bugs, some regarding single-player game launches, others regarding multi-player game launches.
- 28/07/2009
UPDATE: If you had problems with connecting to list, please redownload YANG.
I'm very sorry for the packaging mistake; It had an incorrect list of the rooms lists.
UPDATE 2: Whoa, rushed releases are risky... if you've got Windows installer, you may have to get again.
I've forgotten to include something for country detection to work.
I know it has been quite a long time since you've seen a major addition to YANG.
I just hadn't the right combination of free time and motivation (heh). Now however...
Version 0.53 has been released! The main changes, some of them coded by someone known as Turrican, possibly modified a bit by me:
- A LITTLE BUT IMPORTANT NOTE: Duke3d_w32 (not xDuke) supported has been removed. Please use another source port.
xDuke is the most similar one, as it's a derivative of Duke3d_w32 with a few added features.
- Show ping and flux between host and client. - Coded by Turrican
- This includes setting max. ping for your hosted room. - Coded by Turrican
- Also show the country flag and operating system for each player in a room. - Coded by Turrican
- Show the ping, flux and country of each room in the rooms list. - Coded by Turrican
- MAP and MOD files are now sorted by the Alphabet, independent of the letter cases.
- You can now start fake multiplayer games from within the "Single Player" dialog,
including the choice of enabling/disabling fake player (bot) AI.
ok, you could technically do it before, but now it's more user-friendly .
- Now you can resize the main windows (rooms list, host room and client room).
You can also change in the tables the columns' widths. The modification should be saved.
- Oh, and there's now a link to the YANG FAQ in the Help menu.
- 02/07/2009
Whoops...looks like I've missed something while replacing JFDuke3D support with Duke3dw,
so it wouldn't work as expect with a few paths (like the path to Duke3dw.exe).
This is why I've released version 0.48a of YANG, which is also network-incompatible with v0.48.
- 29/06/2009
Finally, yet another tiny YANG update, but with the version number being 0.48.
- ATTENTION: This is a quite essential update, as older versions are not compatible with the latest server list version.
- YET ANOTHER ATTENTION: JFDuke3D support has been dropped, in favor of Duke3dw.
Note that I don't have so much experience with Duke3dw (nor with Shadow Warrior in general, in fact).
So it may not support any feature or something may be wrong.
- Regarding multiple server lists support - when you host a room, the first server list to try out should now be randomized.
Oh, and to all players who wonder: What about adding the features Poda has added to Meltdown (a fork of YANG)?
Well, now I don't have all time for what I consider to be really big things. Although, it's mainly the motivation which I haven't got :P
Maybe I do add one day... the best you can do for now, I guess, is to wait. Or just declare YANG as abandoned
and start a totally new project... or anything based on YANG (like Meltdown itself)...
- 23/06/2009
Thanks to Replica, there are now two YANG server lists hosted (so if one goes down, there's another one as a backup).
This is why I'm forcing an update to YANG v0.47k, being network-incompatible with v0.47j.
Although, I've also added 3 'include' lines to source files used by the YANG master server, so it should compile on more environments.
- 19/06/2009
Again, nothing big to tell...
- In the latest news post, I've replaced "06/02/2009" with "02/06/2009".
While standards differ between different locales, I should be consistent.
- I've repackaged the already available YANG v0.47j.
One tiny change, though, is an update to the server list, as Poda may use it with Meltdown (and possibly me as well as in the future).
- NOW, WARNING: THIS IS NOT REALLY SUPPORTED. But, I've recompiled and repackaged YANG in a way that, at least up to some level, it MIGHT work on Windows 9x with Unicode support.
Again, this is NOT something fully supported by me.
- 02/06/2009
Just a few minor updates to the look of the website, that's all this time.
- 24/05/2009
Looks like some of you have seen malformed IP addresses in YANG.
This is why I've recompiled YANG with older mingw32 packages, just numbering the version as v0.47j this time.
People who've got to do something with electrical engineering and/or physics may still recognize it as a complex number :P
BTW, if you see the warning at the top of the downloads page - this is basically what has happened.
- 24/05/2009
Thanks to TerminX, Plagman, Yatta and possibly other people I'm not aware of, this web site has a new home now.
In that time I've decided to make the text color black again.
This time, it should also be black text on (sort of) cyan background on systems where black isn't the default :P
Furthermore, this has forced me to release an update of YANG so it checks the new address for YANG updates in the future.
Version number is v0.47i. Why have I chosen 'i'? Possibly because...
- This is a forced update due to the relocation of the web site, and...
- To the ones who understand, 0.47i is a complex number ;P
Anyway, the tiny changes are...
- As in other times, this version is NOT network-compatible with v0.47a or earlier. Clients of older versions should update.
- Level names have been shorten, regarding the level numbers.
- You should now be able to select level 11 in one of episode 2,3,4 of Duke Nukem 3D.
- Missing Shadow Warrior multiplayer levels have been added.
- While it may not be so important for most of you, now you should be able to TAB between controls when the server list appears.
- Tiny code changes so YANG can be compiled on Mac OS X (not tested by me though).
Finally, I've decided to remove a few files like the Linux packages, at least for now.
They're currently outdated and I don't have all the time to update them.
- 01/03/2009
As you've maybe noticed, now the text color in most of the web pages
here should always be dark green, regardless of your theme. - Plagman
- 25/02/2009
Another tiny bugfix release: YANG v0.47a.
- ATTENTION: It should be noted that NAT free mode has been REMOVED.
The reason is that, in fact, it doesn't appear to do anything useful, afterall.
- A tiny UI-fix: When looking for a room, now the correct level name should appear for a Shadow Warrior room.
- 17/02/2009
YANG v0.47 has been released.
- For certain source ports, NAT free mode should now be a possibility.
- Hopefully fixed a list control color bug on the host side, when using the default theme.
- Note that sounds are now DISABLED by default, at least if it's the first time you're running YANG.
- On the other hand, an automatic check for updates is now ENABLED by default,
again if it's the first time you're running YANG.
- 12/02/2009
Finally, the screenshots section has been updated with recent shots from YANG v0.46a.
- 11/02/2009
That's right, another update: YANG v0.46a.
- A few UI-related fixes.
- This version is not compatible with previous versions of YANG,
due to a tiny change in the file transfer mechanism.
Will it improve file transfer speed? We'll see...
- You can now check for updates. Furthermoe, you may tell YANG to always check for updates on startup.
- 10/02/2009
And here's an additional update: YANG v0.46.
- If anybody wants to distribute a Mac OS X Application Bundle,
you may now put the 'snddata' directory and the 'deflists.cfg' file
in the Contents/Resources subdirectory within the Application Bundle.
A few changes have been made in the way these contents can be found
on platforms like Linux as well.
They may reside in paths like /usr/share/yang, /usr/local/share/yang and /opt/share/yang.
The actual path can be determined on compilation of YANG.
- Experimental: I've decided to add a new optional (sort of) dark theme.
The native OS controls are still used. It's just that some of them have different colors.
- This release should be network-compatible with version 0.45b.
That is, clients who run these versions of YANG can be in the same chat room.
- 08/02/2009
Another update: YANG v0.45b.
- After a long time, I could finally find out the problem in the list controls on Windows,
where the titles may not always appear. Now, hopefully fixed.
- Behind the scenes, executing a game with the full path attached to the filename is unnecessary.
It looks like it could result in a too long command for at least one source port
(although it can be considered a bug in such a source port).
- Much less empty lines are now outputted in the chat rooms.
- New installers are available to try out.
- UPDATE: Well, just another change which I've forgotten to mention.
There's another tiny update to the logo, so it may be more visible.
- 07/02/2009
Bugfix release: YANG v0.45a.
- Clients wouldn't be notified when someone leaves the room, or disconnects from the room,
in case the server is advertised.
- Now there should actually be an update in the server list when a game is in process.
There should also be a few more places where that status is changed into "not in game".
- 07/02/2009
Finally, along with a little help from Replica,
YANG v0.45. While it may be unstable as usual, the major change is...
SERVER ADVERTISING! That's right, now YANG can be considered another alternative like Dukester X and Dukonnector.
The main difference is that YANG can run natively on Windows, Linux, and probably other platforms like Mac OS X and FreeBSD.
In the case of Linux, 64-bit is also supported natively.
Now, on to more detailed list of changes:
- Added server advertising support. Thanks to Replica for hosting the current master server.
It should be noted that techincally, more than one can be used.
- The "Manual Join" dialog is removed. Most of the stuff from there is now in the main window.
- New (sort of) sound notifications have been added. Note that if you've got an older version of YANG,
you may need to reset the relevant settings in order to get them to work.
In order to do that, select in the menu: Settings -> Multiplayer and networking; Then go to the "Sound notifications" tab,
press the "Restore defaults" button, and then press the "OK" button.
- Finally, the YANG logo has been a bit modified, so it has more shades of the same colors.
- 31/01/2009
I've added a new user map. While it may appear to be low quality,
lets say it has a few weirdnesses...
- 19/12/2008
Updated Linux packages of EDuke32 (including the "HRP Packager") and JFShadowWarrior are now available.
Note that the DEB of JFSW for the AMD64 platform has been removed due to technical limitations.
Furthermore, older news are now saved in a separated page.
- 25/11/2008
A quite tiny bugfix release of YANG, version 0.35c, is now available.
Apart from that, I've reuploaded a so-called "NYSRace" map, in a newer revision.
- 29/10/2008
YANG 0.35b has been released, consisting of a few changes, mainly regarding networking.
Now the host doesn't need to forward any extra port in order to make map file transfer work.
Furthermore, there's a change with the parameters used to launch EDuke32 in Peer-2-Peer multiplayer mode.
- 25/10/2008
YANG 0.35a has been released. A hopefully better working map file-transfer is now used, and a few fixes are applied.
- 20/10/2008
A few updates to mention:
- I've fixed a typo in the Video clips section, and also added back a link to videos by Gal Shemesh.
- YANG v0.35 has been released. A list of changes:
- Reverted back from listbooks to notebooks with tabs in a few dialogs. - TerminX
- After starting a single player game with a user map, or creating a room with a user map set to be launched, it should now be used in the following times.
Now it should be possible to send a map from the host of a room to the clients.
A client should be able to upload a file as well.
THE HOST HAS TO FORWARD AN EXTRA PORT NUMBER (currently 8500 by default).
The crash may also be more common on wxGTK (Linux, FreeBSD), although I might be wrong.
- 8/10/2008
The EDuke32 Linux packages have been updated with tiny fixes. Available in the DOWNLOADS - Linux ports section.
- Fixed: Crash on quit for people who run a 64-bit executable, while pre-caching is in effect.
- Fixed: Mouse cursor is stuck while the GTK startup dialog appears.
- Added: Now you can launch the game from within Mapster32 for the purpose of testing the currently edited map.
- 4/10/2008
Tiny optimizations have been applied to YANG, yielding in the release of version 0.32.
- First, this version is NOT network-compatible with older versions. Other clients should upgrade as well.
- A lot of network bandwidth is expected to get saved.
- Internally, two functions used for the creation of launch scripts have been unified. Now there's a single function for both single player and multiplayer game launches.
- 27/9/2008
New Linux packages of EDuke32, JFShadowWarrior and the "HRP Package Generator" are now available.
Moved to a separated section: DOWNLOADS - Linux ports.
- 31/8/2008
Quite a tiny update in the Downloads section: The link to rhoenie's "EDuke32 on OSX" page is now replaced with a link to the "YANG on OSX" page.
- 26/8/2008
Regarding the Video clips section, I've removed the links to Gal's videos.
The reason is: They've been removed. Or at least blocked to global user access.
However, I've added a few alternative videos made by someone else, who tries to "continue the series" of Gal in some kind of a way.
Note that these videos may not contain English subtitles.
I should maybe tell a bit about events which have occured at Gal's life.
About 3 months ago, Gal's big brother has passed away, after suffering from the brain cancer.
That has surely been a large pain to Gal and his family.
As a matter of respecting his brother and family, he's decided to not make funny video clips this year.
Apart from that, maybe it's related to the death of his brother, or possibly due to complaints regarding the videos,
he's decided to remove all of the rude videos from his profile at youtube.
As of today, there seem to be no videos to watch from his profile.
Now, with no means to harm Gal and his brother in anyway, I've found out that someone else has decided to try and make some kind of a continious to Gal's Prince of Persia video series.
I've added the currently available videos so far in the same section.
As already mentioned, notice that they may have no English subtitles.
- 23/8/2008
Bug fix release: YANG v0.31a.
- The MAP and MOD files lists should now list each available file only once on all platforms, including Mac OS X. - rhoenie
- DEF files should actually be used, or at least by EDuke32 and JFDuke3D.
- Individual source ports user paths are now toggled on by default on Mac OS X.
- The Windows EXE file has been compiled on MinGW this time, so the link to required files from Microsoft is now removed.
- A few instructions have been added to the source archive for cross-compiling a Windows executable on Linux, using MinGW.
This version should be network-compatible with v0.3 and v0.31.
- 18/7/2008
I've updated the link to aaBlueDragon's Duke3D web page in the Links section , as it has got a new home (and removed the link to the Doom web page).
NOTE: As of today it may not be ready, but the link is still provided.
- 8/7/2008
I've forgotten to tell, YANG v0.31 should be network-compatible with YANG v0.3 (meaning one can host with one of the versions, and the other join with the other version).
Apart from that, I've added a link to the Links section with EDuke32 binaries for Mac OS X, compiled by rhoenie. OS X users may like to check that out.
(Note that it's not fully featured; Especially not on PowerPC because of endianness issues).
- 7/7/2008
A few links to essential Windows additions (DLLs and an installer) have been added to the Downloads section.
These are useful in case there's some program with running YANG on Windows.
- 5/7/2008
A minor cosmetic update to YANG. Version v0.31 has been released. Just tiny UI updates regarding a few lists.
Oh, and now the host can select multiple clients in the list (currently useful just for kicking clients ;P).
Same goes to the list of saved addresses in the manual join dialog (watch out as you may delete several entries!).
NOTE: At least here, it looks like the titles of columns in such lists may not always appear on Windows XP. I've tried in a few ways to overcome that but couldn't up to now. I'm not sure what can be done if it's possible. It may not really be a problem on your side though.
- 27/6/2008
UPDATE: News have been posted (according to the local Time Zone) on June 27th, not the 23th ;]
New Linux packages of EDuke32 and JFSW are up, including an updated "HRP Package Generator". The few changes, bad and good:
- For the first time, EPM packages are not available anymore. A few reasons for it may be the fact that there are now RPMs which may work on several Linux distributions, and many people don't like the idea of letting some outside program (like an EPM installer) mess with system-wide paths like /usr.
Apart from that, this is a quite significant change, given the fact that DEB packages (and later RPM packages) have been built using the EPM tool. Now I've just taken a look at a few files created by EPM and used these to generate DEBs and RPMs without the EPM tool.
- EDuke32 is now based on the snapshot from June 10th, 2008.
- This has let me make packages with native builds of EDuke32 for the x86_64 platform!
- JFSW is now the only game which can be compiled only as a binary for the i386 platform.
For the x86_64 variation of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), I could package the 32-bit JFSW separately in a DEB file for the x86_64 platform.
In fact, I did it in the past, but now it looks "cleaner".
- Binary-only tarballs with no installers are still available (including EDuke32 compiled for x86_64).
- Now that there are no EPM packages, it's quite simple to say:
duke3d.grp should go to /usr/share/games/duke3d; sw.grp should go to /usr/share/games/shadowwarrior.
If you want, you can also put DUKE.RTS (CAPITALIZED!) and/or sw.rts (non-capitalized!) for recorded voice-chat support.
- 18/6/2008
NOTE: A binary is still not available for the following platform, but still mentioning (it can be compiled from source)...
Thanks again to Dopefish7590 and a few people from the Freenode/#macosx IRC channel, there's now a release of YANG which seems to basically work on Mac OS X! Or at least on PowerPC and Tiger (10.4), that is.
Globally, YANG v0.3 has been released, with the following changes:
- More well-tested support for Mac OS X (at least on a PowerPC Mac with OS X Tiger (10.4)), thanks to Dopefish7590 and, as mentioned, people from a #macosx channel.
- FILE PROTECTION: Up to version 0.28 (including v0.28), YANG could potentially create a game launch script (yang.bat or yang.sh) which actually removes a MAP file and/or MOD files! That'd happen only when files with identical filenames existed in the game directory. Hopefully fixed.
- Usually, the windows should be centered on the screen. For instance, this may fix an issue when specific windows are shown in Windows.
- After using Dukester X, I've decided to shorten the height of the players lists in the rooms. The height of the chat output text control has been increased.
- The players lists' widths have been increased a bit; May be better for Mac OS X.
- By default, a per-user path is now not used for icculus.org/duke3d. At least on Linux, it looks like that source port doesn't look for files like maps in there.
- Now two different YANG versions which don't differ too much may be network-compatible. However, it hasn't really happened, yet.
- Fixed a few more issues regarding spaces in file and path names.
- Sometimes, when you get disconnected from a host for some reason (detected to happen when a source port is not configured), you don't get a YANG window afterwards, yet YANG is still running in the background. Fixed.
- A rare crash is hopefully fixed, if the player quits a room while not yet being in it (could even be hosted by an application different than YANG). The crash has probably happened due to an intact connection to the server even after the room window has already been closed.
- When YANG is being run for the first time on a platform other than Windows and Mac, it should also check for the existence of the graphical terminal rxvt (by looking for the binary file "rxvt"). Furthermore, a few more paths are used to look for the different terminals.
Until recently, on any platform other than Windows, a launch script named yang.sh has been launched in a form like this:
/bin/sh /home/ny00123/.yang/yang.sh
On non-Mac platforms, a configured terminal (like gnome-terminal or xterm) has been used.
Now on the Mac the script is named yang.command, and by default the "open" command is used, so /bin/sh isn't added.
I've decided to do the same on the rest of the Unix platforms (including the Unix-like Linux platform).
To summerize: Only an extra configured command like "open" or some terminal is added, but not a shell like /bin/sh.
Oh, and one more tiny thing I'd forgotten to upload before: The source code for the dn3d_lin wrapper (for Dukester X).
The dn3d_lin package has got updated and now includes the source file.
- 29/5/2008
Thanks to the attention of Dopefish7590, I've updated the Links section with an up-to-date link to aaBlueDragon's forums.
In addition, I've updated the URLs of JonoF's webpage and forum (although the older ones may still work), put an alternative link to "Prince of Persia: Mini-game", added a few trailing slashes (seen once that it may optimize a bit for the web hosts, heheh), removed the link to the IRC Java applet from aaBlueDragon's website (although it could still be up), and now only descriptions/titles are shown and not the actual URLs.
UPDATE: Now the EDuke32 IRC channel appears before the JFDuke3D IRC channel. As of May 29th 2008, the topic of #jfduke says: "http://jonof.id.au :: Duke3D/Duke source port talk in #eduke32". That's why I've decided to swap the order.
...Oh, and another little change - The #duke3d channel has been "originally opened by aaBlueDragon".
- 27/5/2008
The following news may seem a bit weird, being written by the developer of the YANG launcher:
I've recently figured out, after bad past trials, that "out of a sudden" Dukester X has begun to work on Linux using Wine!
But just using DX and, say, xDuke, isn't enough. xDuke isn't launched with a graphical terminal, so it'd be invisible and you won't be able to see messages like "Resending greeting".
Therefore, I've decided to write a wrapper which can launch the game in a graphical terminal, like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole and co.
It's now available from the Downloads section.
ATTENTION FOR USERS OF YANG: YANG doesn't require this for e.g. xDuke!
You should be able to configure a terminal from within YANG; If it isn't configured, it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to configure, as in a few cases a game may not even work probably without it (e.g. EDuke32 in multiplayer, native Linux binary).
- 24/5/2008
Added an extra screenshot after figuring out why sitesled.com had returned error number 404 ("File not found") when trying to load it.
The reason: There weren't enough read permissions set on the file (for the Linux/Unix guys, 600; Used chmod 644 to fix it).
- 23/5/2008
Finally, updated the screenshots section to have shots from a more recent version of YANG (which also supports multiplayer).
Now you may ask: 5 days with no new snapshot? What has happened?
Well, what I can tell is this: I might be less motivated, maybe I'm tired, I think about something to implement which is a bit complicated, or all of these.
For now however there's the latest snapshot, and if you want to try and compile on a different platform, you can try. I warn you that it may not work and/or look probably, if compiled at all!
- 23/5/2008
Adjusted the text labels near the icons so now they're vertically centered. In addition, lowered a bit the quality of the images (shouldn't be very noticable) as that seems to work for rendering PNG files with transparency in IE6 without lots of mess.
- 23/5/2008
Just to play safe, I've replaced the top icons. Now they're taken from the various source ports (EDuke32, JFDuke3D, JFShadowWarrior, and an example icculus.org/duke3d installation using MojoSetup). All of them are converted to PNG. As of May 23th, 2008, the icon from Icculus can be found in an SVN repository.
- 18/5/2008
YANG v0.28 is up.
- On platforms other than Windows and Mac, I've brought back (if I'm not wrong) auto-detection of a graphical terminal emulator to be used when launching a game. In addition, such a terminal is searched in one more location (/usr/local/bin). Without that, a game might not work probably. - olivier/zozo
- FreeBSD users: Instructions for compilation of YANG have been added. A bit of the provided info is from olivier/zozo.
- 17/5/2008
YANG v0.27 is up.
- On Windows, setting the drive letter on game launch was done incorrectly (e.g. "D" instead of "D:" command in a BAT file). Fixed. - Juras
- While trying to make changes for the recent "Compiz" fix, another focus-related bug was reintroduced. Fixed as much as I could.
- Not really a YANG fix, but updated the FAQ regarding where may the configuration file be stored in non-English versions of Windows.
- 16/5/2008
YANG v0.26 is up.
- Fixed (or so I hope) an unusual window behavior (new windows not getting focus) which seemed to occur only when Compiz is enabled.
- The YANG icon (I know you may consider it to be ugly ;P) now appears on the yang.exe file in the Windows explorer as well.
- Quite technical: Made a few changes to the "Makefile" file so when YANG gets compiled using MinGW and MSYS, the icon gets embedded.
- MinGW and MSYS have also been tested this time, and additional compilation instructions have been added to the source archive.
- Not really noticable, but made a few changes regarding the main window's menubar (may help for, say, getting YANG to work on Mac OS X if someone tries?)
- 14/5/2008
A new snapshot of YANG is up. The main change is the support for the following source ports: JFDuke3D and Rancidmeat's Duke3d_w32 (not xDuke, which has already been supported).
- 12/5/2008
Released "YAS" of YANG or "Yet Another Snapshot" ;P. In that case, the Downloads sections has now got version 0.23.
The main change is that now, as with Dukester X, you can save IP addresses (and port numbers) which you manually connect to. - ftugrul
- 10/5/2008
Got YANG v0.2 or 0.21? Even better get version 0.22! The new bug which has got fixed:
- For some reason I've added an explicit check which decides, according to your platform (e.g. Windows or Linux) if to create a folder for storing stuff like the configuration file or not. That is quite dumb to do that; Removed that platform check. - aaBlueDragon
- 10/5/2008
Got YANG v0.2? Better get version 0.21! I hope it fixes the following issues:
- On Windows, on first-time launch, after closing the source ports dialog, you'd get nothing, although yang.exe is still running in the background. - aaBlueDragon
- The host's in-game IP is assigned to another client on the host side. - ftugrul
In addition, I've removed the buttons used for sending private messages, as that isn't implemented at all.
- 9/5/2008
OK... no server advertising nor STUN... but, a new version of YANG has been released, and this time with multiplayer support!
Ignoring server advertising and STUN, this is maybe the first launcher similar in style to Dukester X, Dukonnector and Dukenet, which works natively on at least Windows and Linux! (and in the case of Linux, i386 and x86_64)
This is also the time to mention some meaning for the name: YANG = Yet Another Netplay Guider ;P
If you want, go and try it!
QUICK UPDATE: It should be mentioned that, at least up to some level, sound notifications are supported.
However, I haven't included my own (not really a good artist heheh), so, at least for now, YANG tries to look for very specific sounds.
On Windows, dx.wav (e.g. Dukester X), and on at least Linux, Pidgin sound notifications.
Another interesting thing is the fact that the exact size of the executable file yang.exe is 1474560 bytes, or 1440kb. An exact 3.5" "1.44MB" floppy disk!
- 7/5/2008
Someone nicknamed Nonomu/MonoNux has detected a few misspellings: I've used "probably" where I should've written "properly" in the FAQ.
Nothing else to add apart from that.
- 26/4/2008
AGAIN?! Yes...bumped YANG to version 0.13. Not too much, just one more pathname-related adjustable, and also avoiding the usage of a new-line in a checkbox label (doesn't seem to work on Windows).
- 26/4/2008
Quite fast, bumped YANG to version 0.12. The main noticable change may be the fact that now selected MOD files are saved as well.
Apart from that, a few fixes regarding the dealing with pathnames.
- 26/4/2008
Bad and good news, yet another time?! Well... I've removed the Hebrew translations of this website. Mixing English with Hebrew can be a mess (because Hebrew is written from right-to-left, while English is LTR). When I do get, say, some command or path to look alright, on any trial to copy it to the clipboard it can get messed up. And sometimes, I admit, there are a few English words which are hard for me to translate (Source port, extract, self-extracting, etc).
Now to other kind of news: I've uploaded a new single-player launcher for several DN3D and SW source ports (yes I know, another one...), which is called YANG. Oh, and the icon which has been used for switching to Hebrew now points (most of the time) to a new screenshots section!
Hmm... maybe I should write somewhere short credits: A guy (nick)named ftugrul has thought about the name YANG, it's inspired by aaBlueDragon's Dukonnector, cross-platform thanks to wxWidgets, and it is less of a hassle to run a second platform thanks to VirtualBox.
You can go and see a few shots from the launcher, or download it.
- 18/4/2008
Yet again, bad and good news. I'm not gonna provide DEB packages for 64-bit Debian-based distributions. JFDuke3D is dropped as well, being an outdated port while having recent versions of EDuke32. However...
- I haven't dropped JFShadowWarrior.
- I've uploaded a new HRP (High-Res Pack) package generator. It's a script which lets you dynamically create a package which can later be installed. That should save some storage for Parkar and others. The generated package should provide the SD_Duke MOD as well.
- For the first time, I'm providing generic RPM packages! That HRP package generator is ready for that format as well. Now many users may not have only the EPM packages as a choice.
- ATTENTION BEFORE DOWNLOADING: If you're going to get EPM packages, the locations of the GRP (and RTS) files have changed:
/usr/share/games/duke3d --> /usr/local/games/duke3d
/usr/share/games/shadowwarrior --> /usr/local/games/shadowwarrior
They haven't been changed for DEB and RPM packages, though.
- ok, you can go to the Downloads section if you want.
- 1/4/2008
Yet another "April 1st magic": A new EDuke32 snapshot has been released, and I've just re-made a patch for this version.
Apart from that... I think it's the right time to reveal myself, after being quite anonymous for a very very long time. For me it's surely a huge change.
Select this text if you want to see.
- 1/4/2008
Oops...there has been a little typo in the EDuke32 patch; Fixed. And no, it is not something I've prepared for April Fools' Day...
- 31/3/2008
Very little changes have been made, including the addition of more patches for Build-games source ports, and the removal of a chroot-related script.
- 26/2/2008
A much much much longer time huh? Well, I've got to tell some news:
- As you've probably noticed, there's a minimal change in the website's design (or maybe not so minimal for some of you?)
- The "good-bad" news: I've removed links to all of the Linux binaries of the DN3D and SW ports. It seems like many people had problems getting them to run probably.
- The "hopefully good" news: I've added newer files which I hope they'll solve most of the issues. They can be grabbed right here.
- No more packages in the form of "chroot-ready". There are now alternative DEB files for 64-bit Linux (tested on Ubuntu 7.10), working like 64-bit packages of Wine and Google's Picasa which in fact consist of 32-bit applications. 32-bit portable EPM packages should work on 64-bit Linux distros like they do on 32-bit, at least in theory.
If you're using a chroot-ready High-Res-Pack from me, you shall remove the chroot-ready package and install the original one, this time not in the chroot.
- After more than half a year of waiting for that, I've finally added a link to one more online game. Or, well, a set of games called "Music Mania". It can be found here.
- I've replaced the link to the video of the 2nd level in Prince of Persia with a one to all of Gal's videos, including more Prince of Persia levels. If you want, you can watch from this link.
- 29/8/2007
Yes, quite a long time again... well, I've added a link to a video playing the second level of Prince of Persia. It doesn't come with English subtitles this time, but let's hope the non-Hebrew speakers (maybe you're a one?) who're gonna watch this will be fine with that.
In addition, while probably not being so important for you, I've removed the XHTML and CSS validation buttons. That's because Sitesled's advertisements break the XHTML validation (though CSS seemed to be validated).
- 6/7/2007
Well, yes they were, and I'm VERY sorry for that.
Possible reason: Since a certain version of the FireFTP extension for Mozilla Firefox, it seems like it uploads files in ASCII mode (as text files), which may corrupt many "binary" files (e.g. ZIP files).
With another uploading tool named gFTP (a part of the GNOME desktop, in Ubuntu 7.04) I had no problems.
Later finding out that there's some option in FireFTP to change from "ASCII" to "binary", I retried and it worked well. In addition, I've set FireFTP to display the file sizes as bytes so I can check that the upload has been done successfully (probably).
In addition, the latest Linux EDuke32 snapshot is now available for download!
- 2/7/2007
A few updates and a tiny new program:
- The "chroot-ready" packages have been updated, so you can pass command-line arguments to the commands (outside the chroot environment).
For example, the following should work for EDuke32 without using dchroot:
eduke32 /l7 /v2 /s3
- An experimental single-player launcher for Duke Nukem 3D ports and JFShadowWarrior is now available for download!
It should be noted that it isn't close to the state of finished, and it might not even be finished at all (by me).
- 25/5/2007
A new version of The Build/Duke Nukem 3D Map Flipper is available for download!
The main change is the support for PowerPC-based Macs with OS X.
A few people have been involved: SkramX and a few which I can't remember at the moment.
- 20/5/2007
Updated Linux executables of EDuke32, JFDuke3D and JFShadowWarrior ports are now available for download!
Please read the installation instructions! Especially pay attention to the part of preparing the game data files (e.g. duke3d.grp or sw.grp).
In addition, if you have any of the older packages, do as explained in the following steps:
1. Uninstall the old package.
2. Move any possible game data file (duke3d.grp/DUKE.RTS/sw.grp/sw.rts) to ANOTHER path, which is shown in the installation instructions.
3. Install the alternative newer package.
- 30/4/2007
A game from me called "SNAKE... in 3D" is now available for download!
In fact, this game was originally written on DOS. Now there's a revision which works on Windows, as well as Linux x86 and x86_64.
Documentation for the game is available from the Downloads section too (though ready for online viewing), as well as a FAQ.
The original DOS version is available too, along with its source code. However it doesn't come with English documentation, because it wasn't even planned and required in that time.
- 7/4/2007
I've forgotten to add link to a multiplayer Online Bowling game.
NOTE: In order to play the game, you need to have the Shockwave plugin installed. Linux users can try the following workaround.
- 7/4/2007
The Build/Duke Nukem 3D Map Flipper has been updated again! And this time to version 0.9. Thanks to psst and Plantain from a #macosx IRC channel there's now a Mac OS X executable which can be downloaded (Universal. PowerPC and Intel; 32-bit and 64-bit; Tested on a 32-bit Intel Mac).
In addition, a FreeBSD (x86) executable is available is well. More info is available in the change.log file as a part of any package from the Downloads section.
- 5/4/2007
The Build/Duke Nukem 3D Map Flipper has been updated to version 0.82 (from 0.8). Here are the little changes:
- Fixed so we shouldn't get the following warning which seemed to appear when compiling using newer versions of gcc (might be critical, even though the program shouldn't crash in that case):
flip_map.c:345: warning: ignoring return value of ‘realloc’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
- Fixed a bug where blinking effects (CYCLER sprite) don't work as expected when adding one of the d and v switches.
ATTENTION: If you're gonna play a flipped map in multiplayer, make sure ALL other players have the EXACT same map. A map flipped with version 0.8 is NOT the same map when flipped with v0.82 in many cases.
- 9/3/2007
A link to another online game has been added. Well, three to be exact. The name of the game is "Falafel King". Note that you need the Flash plugin and a supported browser.
Falafel King - The main page. From there you can choose the language. Afterwards, you have several choices, like playing online and downloading a local version of the game.
NOTE: There are two separated high-scores tables, one for each language.
Falafel King - The online English version.
Falafel King - The online Hebrew version.
- 4/3/2007
A race map for Duke Nukem 3D made by me is now available for download. It can also be found at the Downloads section.
In addition, the link to the Massively Multiplayer Pong online game has been removed, as the game isn't available at that address anymore.
- 10/2/2007
Two new links have been added to the Links section. Here's what I've added for your convenience:
- Massively Multiplayer Pong - In theory, if you enter this site along with another friends (and even people you don't know), you can all play Pong as two competitors. It may be a 1vs1 game, 1vs2, 2vs2, 4vs4, 10vs10, whatever the game's server can handle ;P
- Prince of Persia: Mini-game - A short online version of Prince of Persia. If you like(d) the old game, try a visit there.
- 26/1/2007
New "Duke-Tag!" video clips have been added!
What is "Duke-Tag!"? Well, it's a hidden team gametype found in Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, episode 4 level 10. The video clips can help understanding what you should do.
Go to the video clips section for more info.
- 22/1/2007
I've checked and it seems like the video clips work even without JavaScript. Oh, and sorry in case you've thought I'd lied about the need to click one more time ;P I've tried using another script but it didn't solve the problem. Anyway I hope things will work fine right now.
In addition, if someone wants me to remove any video clip, look at the bottom of the video clips page.
- 20/1/2007
After the addition of a little JavaScript code, users of browsers like Internet Explorer and Opera should be able to watch a video with one less click. At Wikipedia you can read about the issue and its source.
Please note that while the video clips should still work in the same way for browsers which don't support JavaScript (or it's disabled/blocked), I should test that on the Firefox browser using the NoScript extension.
Anyway, I should thank the people from a random thread.
- 19/1/2007
I've figured out that the Prince of Persia trailer video is available from YouTube as well, and it's not the only one by Gal Shemesh. Therefore, the original video will now stream from YouTube instead, as well as the extra one.
- 18/1/2007
A video clips section has been added! You may take a look at an example right there.
- 3/1/2007
Well, as noted last time, "Don't expect so much updates", yet the site has been updated!
Now I've written everything in HTML by hand (to be exact, XHTML), without the dependence on any graphical HTML editor. A few things have been fixed too. SGA 'translation' was removed as it isn't so useful.
In addition, an interview with someone nicknamed R3ptile has been added to the downloads section. He's a part of the JJ2 (Jazz Jackrabbit 2) community.
I should note that I don't have so much experience with interviewing, so forgive me in case you think about something related to the interview :P
- 17/11/2006
I figured out that there's no special problem related to Internet Explorer about rendering this site. It's just that IE wraps all of the stuff in order to let everything fit in the current window's size.
Apart from that a few tweaks have been done to the site. Don't expect so much updates, at least not in the meantime.
- 18/9/2006
A few more updates to this web page:
- Added a note about how to prepare data files (GRP) for the games in the downloads section, as well as the FAQ.
- Made several fixes to the FAQ, including a complete translation of the Hebrew FAQ and fixing a few typos.
- 13/9/2006
- Fixed a little typo: 13/9 instead of 12/9.
- Added links to HRP-related sites.
- Removed the link to explore all files in the "FTP way", as it seems to be impossible.
- Fixed one more typo in the EPM installation instructions: Removed an unnecessary comma before the word 'package' at the beginning.
- Though not really necessary, updated the EPM and DEB installation instructions to have Unix-compatible new lines.
- Added a new question (and answer) to the FAQ: What's the problem with Internet Explorer?
- 13/9/2006
Welcome to my new site! Here you can find files which were made by me and hosted at aaBlueDragon's web page by him (currently at http://duke3d.vachu.com), as well as links to other sites and translations of this site.
Use the buttons at the top to navigate.