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- 30/12/2024
Looks like there's another "news post" for 2024. Ignoring the ones from 2009 and earlier (with 2008-2009's posts also including separate posts for releases of YANG), the 8 posts of 2024 are (kinda?) an unexpected record.
Either way, on to the updates:
- The first of them is belated by about 2.5 weeks. Mainly thanks to Ken Silverman, you should now have access to multiple snapshots of Ken's works. That includes snapshots of the Ken-Build test game and/or sources (exact contents vary by the directory), two snapshots of 2DRAW, three of Polytex, various test programs (often written in QuickBasic) and more. More details are in this thread: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/12612-historical-snapshots-of-ken-silvermans-works/
- Secondly, there's more to write about my Keen 6 level pack, "Aliens Ate My Babysitter ...Again", i.e., AAMBA. There's a belated update to the 15th anniversary release from last September. The recent return to AAMBA was also paving the way for a new revision of Omnispeak, known to cover a source port of Keen 4-6 based on reverse-engieering. It was made available as a part of the The Omnispeak Modding Preview Kit two weeks ago.
- Additionally, also belated is the release of an "Extras" packages for AAMBA. It includes past AAMBA builds, snapshots and development trees, plus other few files.
For the AAMBA-related files, have a look at the Downloads section.
- 01/10/2024
This is a 5 days late post covering not just one, but two September 26 anniversaries related to projects I started during different years.
1. The first was the 10th anniversary of ReflectionHLE's initial release. ReflectionHLE is a project started by me back in September 2014, consisting of source ports of at least a few video games from the 1990s. ReflectionHLE was originally started as a Keen Dreams source port briefly titled "Chocolate Keen Dreams", only to have its name changed and make it support the 3D Catacomb games not much later.
For the 6th anniversary of that initial release, a new version was made available in September 2020. It introduced support for Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny, as well as Super 3-D Noah's Ark (DOS version). The project had been known as "Reflection Keen" for most of its years, and was renamed to ReflectionHLE by the very end of 2021.
The most major addition in the 10th anniversary's release is mainly relevant for Wolfenstein 3D and derived games. It should let you (with possible limits) use modified game data, including map sets and other modifications compatible with specific unmodified DOS executables from the 1990s.
Binaries matching the last release should be available from the ReflectionHLE GitHub project as of writing this. More details may be found in a forum post added by me to multiple forums. Since this website is Duke4.net-hosted, I guess that I may link to my post(s) in the Duke4.net forums.
2. Secondly, the same day was also the 15th anniversary of the first release of "Aliens Ate My Babysitter ...Again". It is a Keen 6 level pack originally released in September 2009, described as a "Mini-MOD" at the time, albeit still practically being a level pack for most. Among other things, it had most of its graphics recolored for some reason, was made to be more difficult than the original game (especially when hard difficulty is selected) and had access to cheat codes removed. The latter was done in order to reduce the chances of getting spoiled by the super secret level; There were two secret levels in total.
So, after almost 15 years since the 3rd revision from October 2009, I uploaded a new version on September 26 2024 and linked to it from a PCKF thread. It should also be available from the familiar Downloads section now. This version introduced a new warp-only level at slot 19, Metro Satellite. From what I remember, I originally had a general idea for a secret level back in 2009, involving a metro-style system of goplats for navigation. I eventually abandoned this, short of the possible few goplats flying over acid pools. The new 2024-era level started with this idea more seriously, but eventually also went in a different direction, albeit still having a kind of a goplats track with multiple stations.
I did re-enable access to cheat codes. ok, I linked to a .PAT file re-enabling them back in 2013, but it was hidden in a PCKF post at the time. Other additions were adding alternative files letting you play with mostly unmodified graphics (instead of recolored equivalents), as well as preparation for usage with the Omnispeak source port.
- 16/08/2024
Having an update on the DukeBall mod. Danukem sent a bit later revision, also from February 2009. This one made the stadium map more usable for single-player games, introducing mini-battlelords as goal keepers, along with troopers and timed collectibles (e.g., weapons). Also included is PKMNREMIX.mid, a re-arrangement/remix of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl's Gym Leader Battle track, prepared by MasterJace.
I made really minor edits to the EDUKE.CON file (described in the readme), but the original is left after renaming it to EDUKE.BAK.
This is currently the recommended version; Timestamped August 15 since I prepared it yesterday, albeit it should still be August 15 in a few time zones. See the Downloads section again.
- 10/08/2024
I recently stumbled upon a small Duke3D mod found in an old backup tree. The directory was named DukeBall. It's a multiplayer-centric mod, letting players try (a kind of) a game of soccer, i.e., association football. It was originally made with older EDuke32 in mind, but was found to be compatible with NetDuke32.
It was confirmed to be made by Danukem. Danukem said that it was made in late February 2009, while the included stadium map was made by Gambini.
As usual, you may check the Downloads section.
- 13/04/2024
I decided to take the old Enhanced Duke (EDuke) 2.0 patch, originally available as an installer, and convert it into a ZIP file. To be more precise, it's based on two patch/installer files. One of them, from late July 2000, was the original released form. The other one, from early August 2000 and known as EDuke 2.0a, had a few files modified. Most of these were from sample code, map and art files. Generally speaking, the files remaining unmodified in 2.0a are the ones in use, while files modified across the two installers were put in separate subdirectories. But there are also a few exceptions.
As a reminder, the EDuke 2.0 patch had been released before Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition was open-sourced. Reusing code from World War II GI (WW2GI), it granted more options for modders, mostly via extensions to the CON language, including the introduction of gamevars.
The ZIP file can assist with giving EDuke 2.0 a try, including mods originally made for it. The file should be available from the Downloads section. See README.TXT for instructions and ECHANGES.TXT for more details.
- 10/03/2024
So, after considering the idea beforehand, I've prepared a directory with a small set of old Duke3D mods repackaged as single ZIP/PK3 archives. The main idea was making them more usable with NetDuke32 via NukemNet, but they should also work with NetDuke32's NetLauncher, and also with compatible source ports differing from NetDuke32.
The main reason for doing this was that historically, Duke3D mods didn't really seem to be played in online multiplayer games; Clearly not before 2018, and with the set of played mods still being very small as of 2023.
Have a look at the Downloads section, there should be a link now.
Note that if you want to play Vanilla Duke3D (v1.5) with mods, then Classic Gaming Arena (CGA) has its own database of mods to which logged in users can upload. As of today, NukemNet is mainly usable for single-file mods for supported source ports and games, like ZIP/PK3 files for NetDuke32 or WAD files for Vanilla Doom.
I actually wasn't the first to offer repackaged mods from a central URL as done here. Back in 2009, William Gee was uploading CON+GRP file pairs for usage with my old launcher, YANG (Yet Another Netplay Guider):
However, it still didn't become commonplace to play Duke3D mods online. I suspect the lack of automatic mod file transfer or a mods database in YANG was the main cause, along with the need to repackage files at times.
- 26/01/2024
Having a few updates, one from today and another one which is technically 5 days old.
To begin with, I released a multiplayer-compatible update to a "little project" using the Build Engine (Duke3D variation). The project in question is Top Shooter, a top-down shooter released in 2011 for EDuke32 by Mblackwell.
The version released by me, titled Top Shooter MP, supports multiplayer via the NetDuke32 source port and also covers analog motion, say with a mouse. You can still use EDuke32 as well.
Link to download, GitLab repository and the original Duke4.net forums thread should currently be found within the Downloads section.
Secondly, we have a small 17th anniversary for today. ok, maybe closer to 18th, depending on how you look at it.
Does "Duke-Tag!", that multiplayer team mode, ring a bell? Yes, there's TeamDUKE's enhanced variation, but I rather refer here to the original, as demonstrated in Duke3D's E4L10: The Queen.
So, back on April 12 2006, aaBlueDragon uploaded two "Duke-Tag!" tutorial videos to his older website (the one that hosted Dukonnector a bit later). I'm quite sure it was based on my suggestion, given the difficulty with finding enough players for a proper "Duke-Tag!" game. My hunch is that xDuke v19.6 was used for these videos.
Additionally, on January 26 2007 (exactly 17 years ago), I uploaded 3 other such tutorial videos to my YouTube channel. aaBlueDragon participated in them as well. These were the very first videos uploaded to my channel, created just 2 days earlier. I'm quite sure that xDuke v19.7.1 was used.
And now, not without the presence of aaBlueDragon, we have a new higher-res "Duke-Tag!" tutorial video! This time, not only we created .dmo files with Vanilla Duke3D v1.5, but I made them available from this website.
You can check the Video clips section for the new video. Short of possible browser compatibility updates, it might be the first real change to the part covering "Duke-Tag!" on that page since 2007.
This was also a good chance to remove the comment about using Flash player as an alternative to HTML5, and further not mention HTML5 directly.
- 10/01/2024
Between 7 and 8 months later, you can now check a demo of an unfinished feature removed from the mod TeamDUKE. As a short reminder, TeamDUKE is a multiplayer Duke3D mod introducing Flag-Tag, Team Dukematch (before EDuke32 supported it), CTF (before nDuke was out with support) and Enhanced Duke-Tag. It was originally an EDuke 2.0 mod from 2000-2001.
Released versions of TeamDUKE preceding 0.9 had an unused car actor, along with unused invisible car locator actors. The code was under a file named car.con, albeit it wasn't actually in use.
With the available car.con code, the car itself wasn't moving as one would expect. Rather, after some constant time period between 6 and 7 seconds, it would quickly teleport to the location of the next car locator. In practice, chances are this would look more like moving really fast, due to interpolation. The actor's x, y and z fields would be changed, but not other fields used for interpolation.
There are chances the car actor was intended for use in moving traffic within a downtown map. Older 2001 versions of TeamDUKE had episode 3's first map slot assigned to a nonexisting map, DOWNTOWN.map. It was titled "DOWN TOWN" in the CON file.
While TeamDUKE v0.9 removed the car-related sprites and code, I've uploaded a sample map and minimal CON loader that let you check the car with TeamDUKE v0.64-0.65 and 0.8.
The Downloads section is still the address.
- 18/07/2023
After more than 4 years, I finally got an updated version of the Duke3D user map Pyratel. These were following in part the feedbacks of LeoD and ck3D in the Duke4.net thread for Pyratel.
The list of changes isn't that short. A subset is given in the TXT file included with the map, but for more details, I made a git repository with a public git log.
In fact, I also added older development revisions preceding the original 2019 release of the map, along with a few extras.
As usual, you'll want to check the Downloads section.
- 12/05/2023
Thanks to Grandy02's attention, there were a few updates to This Strife's "DNF Special" pages as given here. If you can't find them, this is because I decided to properly relist these using the actual original title of "Where is DNF?". "DNFSpecial" was apparently just an internal directory name.
Now, while two of the Where is DNF? pages were previously missing images, Grandy02 found a backup of the contents hosted on the legacy 3D Realms Site. So, I brought the missing images from there, and the copy of "Where is DNF?" hosted here should be complete now.
- 26/04/2023
ok, I think it's time for 3 updates.
First of all, earlier this month, an updated version of TeamDUKE was released by the original creator! This release also makes use of flag graphics from the nDuke source port.
Thus, I appropriately updated the links at the Downloads section.
Basically, this website is now less of a home for any unofficial TeamDUKE version, but I still refer to the files, at least for now.
Secondly, I got a few edits for a total of 1 page of the Chasm of Chills and 3 of the Chasm of Strife from Grandy02, now making use of Grandy02's TmsT Vintage Archive instead of the Wayback Machine for certain URLs.
Finally, this can be a good reminder that 15 years ago, on April 26 2008, we had the first release of Yet Another Netplay Guider (YANG). It was originally just a single player launcher by that time, but it supported multiplayer afterwards.
This program was initially open-source (for about 15 months, coincidentally). Afterwards, so far, it had remained closed-source.
Yesterday, though, this situation changed. People have other options for playing Duke3D online (and not just ones based on YANG), and it's also clear to me that I currently have no intention of maintaining a program like YANG again.
Thus, the 15th anniversary looked like a good opportunity: A GitLab-hosted YANG repository.
I'll also refer to a related forum post in the Duke4.net thread.
- 09/03/2023
TeamDUKE unofficial v0.65 is now up, bringing with it various fixes and other improvements; Not necessarily without problems, but it should generally be better.
This can be considered to be the last version to have a separate GRP for partial EDuke 2.0 compatibility.
Finally, thanks to our special guest, TeamDUKE's creator!
As in the case of v0.64, this update can be found at the Downloads section.
P.S. A video has recently been uploaded by TheXna of Build Bros, demonstrating TeamDUKE a bit before v0.64's release;
To be more specific, two Flag-Tag matches and one CTF match.
- 26/02/2023
It's time to have another look into the past, after multiple tests. (Thanks Build BROS and others!)
Back around the year 2001, Garjen Software uploaded TeamDUKE to the web. This is an EDuke 2.0 multiplayer mod, supporting Flag-Tag, Team Dukematch, CTF and a Duke-Tag variation.
The thing is, while people have been playing Duke3D online to different extents for many years, playing Duke3D mods hasn't been that commonplace. StrikerDM has been one exception during the last few years.
Today, you can have a look at an unofficial update to TeamDUKE, compatible with NetDuke32 (v1.2.1) and adding usability improvements, while still staying mostly true to the original release.
Additional maps uploaded to Garjen Software's website but not directly accessible from TeamDUKE itself can be selected as well in this update.
Old pages about TeamDUKE can be found at Garjen Software's website. Other contents are also covered.
As usual, this update can be found at the Downloads section.
- 6/12/2022
A person named Derek Johnston recently started playing Dukematches again.
He originally created a Dukematch map back in 1997, named dj.map. The initial revision of the map is a part of the CD released with the August 1997 edition of the PC Gamer magazine.
Derek continued modifying the map, with the 7th and last revision probably dating back to 2001. This last revision had never been made public, at least until recently.
As of last November, it was uploaded by him as a standalone .map file via NukemNet, with a URL shown in NukemNet's chat lobby.
Following my suggestion and a few tips, a proper ZIP file was prepared, which should be available from the Downloads section right now.
- 16/10/2022
Another multiplayer map is now available for Duke Nukem 3D, called "Survivor". It can be found in the Downloads section as usual.
The idea for it was inspired by levels made for a related game type for Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
I've also edited the Links section, to some extent. I'd be much less work to simply remove it, but let's keep it for now.
- 04/03/2022
15 years since the original release, a 15th Anniversary Edition of the map "NYSRace" is now available for download.
It's based on an overhauled revision which was left unreleased for more than 10 years. See the Downloads section.
This is also a good chance to add that in last February, the Selected Strife Contents section got the addition of more Gothboy comics, collected by Grandy02.
- 15/01/2020
I should probably write here about more updates related to the Selected Strife Contents section:
- First of all, part of 2 of Captain Tzarafi (listed as a Sluggy comic) is now available again, thanks to no other than Captain Tzarafi himself.
- Secondly, while the author's notes are still missing, Grandy02 has found page 5 of the comic strip "The Universe Is Toast". This page was backed up by KeenRush.
Thus, you can check both of them out.
Additionally, albeit not currently present here, all of the original This/That Strife's comics should now be back!
In fact, last year, Peter Bridger of This Strife decided to bring Strife back, in a way; The current incarnation is titled "Strife Forever".
For more details, you can check the Strife Forever website: http://www.strifeforever.com/
There's also a Discord server: https://discord.gg/RMB9z5k
Finally, I've made a small update to the Links section.
- 17/10/2020
Thanks to the efforts of Grandy02 from the PCKF and the blessings of Andrew Kepple (aka Sluggy), most of the original contents of The Chasm of Chills and The Chasm of Strife were backed up, following the assistance of the Internet Archive.
I got the contents from Grandy02, who also did the work of updating some links where it made sense, and added them to here. Just for one example, this covers links from The Chasm of Strife to pages within The Chasm of Chills.
A subset of the contents is still missing. For more details, check out the Selected Strife Contents section.
- 25/10/2019
So, a couple of days ago, I announced about an unofficial DOS port of EDuke32:
I made the git repository public about a day later: EDuke32-DOS GitLab repository
There were also a few really minor changes following the announcement.
Either way, up-to-date DOS binaries should be available right from the Downloads section as of posting this.
- 04/04/2019
I'll first begin with a postponed update. So, back on Feb 6 2019, a re-release of Shadow Warrior (1997 game) source codes was made available, along with a small amount of Build engine sources and other files. Unlike the 2005 release, the last archive covers code which is confirmed to be fully equivalent to SW versions 1.0-1.2 in behaviors, with possible exceptions related to exact EXE layouts (which seem to impact saved games compatibility).
The code was uploaded to GitLab about a couple of days later.
Here is a link to the "tags" page with the original archive for download: https://gitlab.com/NY00123/sw-src-and-build-addendum/tags
Secondly, this week, April 1st had the release of a new Duke Nukem 3D user map of mine. It is intended to be compatible with DOS versions 1.3d and 1.5. Unlike other few maps available from this website, this effort aimed to bring a map which is at least somewhat close to various official Duke Nukem 3D maps, in terms of contents, features and (at least partially) the feeling. It might not be there, and only the audience should judge; But either way, it's out there for all of you.
Go to the Downloads section for a link to the map, as well as an alternative link for the above sources archive.
This has also been a chance for me to go over the Links section and somewhat update it, and also the aforementioned Downloads section.
I am now re-offering links to the old Build/Duke Nukem 3D Map Flipper, which can be used to flip the layout of a .MAP file for Duke3D. Note that if you're interested in the concept, then you may wish to check out the Map Mirroring Mod for EDuke32 by DeeperThought and Plagman.
The latter should be available from this archived DNR mods page: https://dnr.duke4.net/mods.php.html
- 14/07/2018
POST EDIT: The XHTML and CSS validator links have been updated to add https://. The Duke4.net links have also been updated.
OK, I wanted to make a few small updates a few months ago (think last March or April). Originally, I wanted to update the currently way-outdated Links section, not to talk about other outdated contents found, say in the FAQ around here.
Well, so far, it still hasn't happened. Following the introduction of HTTPS to Duke4.net hosted sites, though, I've updated the links to the XHTML 1.0 and CSS validation icons. Rather than hot-linking to image files at w3.org, I've uploaded local copies to the site itself, and the pages should now link to these. It's actually something I considered doing very long ago, but the move to HTTPS was a good way to finally push me in this direction. I shall still update the Links section, at the least, but for now we have this.
It's probably also a good chance to mention that this website originally moved to Duke4.net on May of 2009. This means that after less than a year from now, it'll be 10 years of hosting this site, as well as a few more community-made hosted sites. Many thanks to anybody involved in making this possible during all of these years!
Finally, have you already heard about Ion Maiden? Well, if you haven't yet, and even if you have, a preview of the game has been available under an "Early Access" model since Feb. 28 2018! You may currently get a copy in any of the following manners:
- 26/03/2017
Another unofficial update to CKPatch is now up, bringing us to (beta) version 0.11.3. Note that it's possibly a little less stable than before. Guess it may still be considered a "beta", then. Check the Downloads section for download link.
- 09/04/2016
I've just updated the unofficial CKPatch build to version 0.11.2. See the Downloads section for an updated download link.
- 26/06/2015
UPDATE: I've just edited this post to mention that the various YouTube links in the Video clips section are now prefixed by https, rather than http. In addition, a few site links have been edited, while others have been removed (or at least commented out). In at least one instance this may seem a bit quick-and-dirty (screenshots), but this is where we are for now.
Today I've gotten a very late reminder that there's no real need to use an old script known as AC_RunActiveContent.js in the Video clips section. An explanation of the purpose of this script follows. For about two years following February 2006, users of Internet Explorer had to click on an ActiveX control, often a Flash applet (e.g., an embedded video), in order to activate it. This was the case due to some patent. As a workaround, JavaScript code could be used to dynamically write the (X)HTML code responsible for embedding the ActiveX control, since this was not covered by the patent and so no such click was required. This is where the script file AC_RunActiveContent.js was used. There was also the usual code path (requiring a click in IE back then) covering the case JavaScript was disabled or not supported.
Fast-forward to April 2008, Microsoft removed the need to click on an ActiveX control, so Flash applets could be started immediately again. This included YouTube videos. As at least some of you probably know, though, HTML5 has become commonly used as an alternative to Flash for this purpose (and more). There are now environments in which HTML5 video playback is the default for YouTube. However, Flash has still been required for the embedded videos in the same Video clips section mentioned above (although there are also separate links leading to the YouTube site itself, for watching the videos and more).
Nowadays, YouTube lets you embed videos using the HTML iframe tag, which should cover the HTML5 player. However, while the XHTML 1.0 specification is more than 10 years old by now, most of the pages in this site were made to be validated as XHTML 1.0 Strict. This would be broken if the iframe tag were used. At the least, Tools4noobs has a valid XHTML YouTube embed code generator, which is able to create valid XHTML 1.0 embedded video code from the iframe code. There are a few changes I've applied after generating the code, though. These are the steps that can be followed, using a compatible web browser for desktops in the first few steps:
- To begin with, make sure that the HTML5 player is used in YouTube, as you may get different results if Flash is in use.
- Right-click on the desired YouTube video, then ask to "Get embed code" and finally copy the code.
- Go to the code generator at Tools4noobs, paste the original YouTube embed code and then get alternative code involving the "object" tag: http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/
- If you want, remove the Tools4noobs ad enclosed by the "div" tags.
- Remove the "type" attribute, so usage of Flash isn't forced.
- Adjust the width and height if desired. I've tried to keep these at least close to the ones used in the original (Flash-only) embedded videos code, in order to preserve the original aspect ratio of 4:3 when relevant.
- 30/12/2014
It may be a bit late, but regarding "The Lost Episode" of Commander Keen known as "Keen Dreams", it can still be written (or typed) now that original source codes for this have been available since September! With that in mind, as well as the end of 2014, another unofficial Strife comic is up now. For details about the Unofficial Strife (sub)section and viewing this comic (and/or other contents optionally), check out the Unofficial Strife page within the Selected Strife Contents section.
- 24/10/2013
Just mentioning that I am now hosting an unofficial update (not the first) to a collection of tools known as CKPatch. See the Downloads section for details and a download link.
- 25/06/2013
Not much to add. Just mentioning I have decided to write a minor "status update" simply reminding the current state of resurrected Strifes. For more details see "Updates to this section" (sort of "News") in the Selected Strife Contents section. It also worths to check out the list of resurrected Strifes if you haven't yet done so!
- 07/02/2013
Good time to write...well type...something! Not a lot to see here, yeah. It is about Prince Of Persia, yet again - only we're talking about "Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame" this time. Yeah, there are now "dubbings" of this game done by Gal Shemesh (AKA goldeng) again :). See his channel on YouTube to see these videos, along with "dubbings" of the first POP game and a bit more.
- 18/05/2012
One more Strife-related update: After considering doing it long ago, I've finally went into constructing an unofficial Strife comic! A few years have passed since the last official Strife Strip had been put up on the web; Given here is an unofficial follow-up Strife (actually split into two parts). For a few more details, as well as viewing it, visit the Unofficial Strife page within the Selected Strife Contents section.
- 08/04/2012
Well, yes, here is another update! And, probably, something that a few readers may like to hear..err, read about. :)
Basically, a short while after uploading the Selected Strife Contents section, the original host of the various Strife websites (This Strife / That Strife / Strife Strips), known as Maverick, has located it. He's then opened a new page, currently hosting the very first three Strife comics!
For more details, you can check his news post for today on Strife Streams, or the updates to the Selected Strife Contents section on this site. I'd briefly mention that I've added backups of these three comics to the section.
- 05/04/2012
Here is another minor addition I've considered doing a few weeks ago...
Basically, I've went over the Video clips section and updated it a bit. Among the updates, I've removed one video which isn't up anymore.
What may be more interesting, though, is the addition of a new video. It is about Prince Of Persia again :), although of a different kind. Name: "Real Prince of Persia!"
So, if you're interested, you can go and watch something now.
- 26/03/2012
OK, how often does "Long time no updates" apply here? :)
Well, here is one such a thing... while there's not so much out of the original contents found (actually very little)... I've got ahold of a few original Strife contents.
Some of you may recall websites under any of the following names: "This Strife", "That Strife" and "Strife Strips"; Various kinds of contents where found on these, with comics and some videos among them. Hosted by Maverick, these sites had contents coming from a few people, with (nick)names like Maverick, Sluggy and Waffles. Note that it is unrelated to Strife Streams, a blog opened by the same Mav guy, mainly about older games.
Oh, so, the update basically means that you can check a few selected strife contents right now.
- 07/07/2011
Here are a few more updates:
- A bit late report which you're probably aware of: Duke Nukem Forever is now available for sale! Personally, running DNF on a PC, I've taken a look into the first level in "single player" mode. I'm sure it does not represent anything, but I've clearly liked a few things I've heard and seen! Now, despite the lots of negative I've read about, there's also enough of the positive. So lets hope, at least on the single player side, that it'll be good and/or fun.
- I've added to the Downloads section a little modification of the original Duke Nukem 3D DOS executable, with modified sources. Basically, I've attempted to fix the broken red-blue anaglyph stereo mode that hides in it, and possibly add a little more (e.g. red-green stereo). It's not perfect, but I'm sure it's clearly better than the originals (v1.3d and v1.5). So, you can try it out if you wish.
- Oh yeah, about the 3D Realms forums. Again writing about it late, the Max Payne and Prey forums were re-opened and you can post in them. As for the Duke Nukem ones, they're partially back. You can basically discuss about any Duke Nukem game preceding DNF. The address for discussions about DNF is the Gearbox Software Community as before.
- 04/09/2010
Well, I've got something to write about now, mainly regarding what has been known for long as a Vaporware, and is named Duke Nukem Forever. So, here are the few things to tell about:
- To begin with, it is now known that the game has been in continued development by Gearbox Software. That's for some time after the hiatus in 3D Realms. It should be noted that people who originally worked in 3D Realms have been involved.
- In the 3D Realms Forums website, all forums regarding Duke Nukem, Max Payne and Prey have been closed. Discussion on these topics may be continued in the Gearbox Software Community. Look for "Duke Nukem" and "3D Realms Legacy". Note that Joe Siegler, who may be remembered for working as a site admin in 3D Realms, is now the Duke Community Manager in Gearbox Software.
- And yes, there has been an official announcement that DNF is expected to be released for the Windows PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms on 2011. And as shown in PAX 2010, there were up to date footages of DNF, along with a few players actually getting the chance to try it out! The platform as shown there has been Windows PC, with the game being played using an Xbox 360 controller.
- 03/06/2010
Hi all. It should be a time to mention: The YANG contents have moved... again! Basically, Rep has got a different host for the web page.
New link: http://yang-online.com/
- 24/03/2010
UPDATE: Originally, a link to the alternate home of YANG was given. Due to another relocation, it's not provided now. Here's the current location (as of June 3rd, 2010): http://yang-online.com/
Here we meet again. So, it's time to announce the release of YANG v0.82! Thanks again to Turrican for working on the updates. Here is a list of changes:
- First of all, as some of you have probably read before, a move of the YANG contents from here to a different website has been planned, along with a few changes in the so called "YANG team". So, now it can finally be done. YANG v0.82 should point to the new location of the YANG web page.
- New Server/Client EDuke32 is now supported.
- You should now be able to join ongoing EDuke32 games, assuming they're being run with a recent build of EDuke32.
- With Server/Client EDuke32, no maps are needed to be downloaded when one joins a room.
- You can still upload a map to the host.
- As a workaround of avoiding an issue ppl may have with a current version of EDuke32 (Server/Client), when both host launches EDuke32 while a client is in the room, a short delay is added for the client. It isn't an issue if one joins an EDuke32 room after the game has already been launched by the host.
- Legacy Peer 2 Peer networking, using an older version of EDuke32, is still supported, and can be toggled by the host. Make sure all players use a relevant, and identical, version of EDuke32, in that case.
- The same checkbox is now used for choosing between P2P and Server/Client in EDuke32, and choosing between P2P and Master/Slave in Duke3dw.
- Fixed a potential crash with future versions of Mac OS X (later than v10.6 Snow Leopard).