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Selected Strife Contents
NOTE: I was not the host of the original Strife websites, nor I was directly involved with these in other ways (apart from reading contents or so).
The reason I emphasize this is that, admittedly, it can be easy to miss it.
Table of contents
Welcome to the "Selected Strife Contents" section! Here you should find a (very) partial backup of contents from the various Strife websites over the times (and a little more): This Strife, That Strife (actually This Strife under a different name and domain) and Strife Strips!
Note that quite often, the term "Selected" hides a bit of a different meaning: "Found" or "Rescued". That's because, in general, if I post only some contents out of a specific set (e.g. comics), it means that not everything has been found by me.
Furthermore, contents of a blog maintained by Peter Bridger (Maverick) and known as Strife Streams aren't discussed here for now. Well, mostly. See the news post of April 8th, 2012 to figure out why.
Thanks shall be sent to Peter Bridger (aka Maverick), Andrew Kepple (aka Sluggy), Paul J. Smith (aka Wally Waffles) and probably more.
In addition, thanks should be sent to the Internet Archive project for making this possible.
Oh, one more thing: A relevant topic on the Duke4.net forums has been opened.
Updates to this section
- May 12th, 2023
Having two small updates, thanks to Grandy02's attention.
The first was actually already done last month. To repeat, I got a few edits for a total of 1 page of the Chasm of Chills and 3 of the Chasm of Strife from Grandy02, now making use of Grandy02's TmsT Vintage Archive instead of the Wayback Machine for certain URLs.
Secondly, there were a few updates to This Strife's "DNF Special" pages. If you can't find them, this is because I decided to properly relist these using the actual original title of "Where is DNF?". "DNFSpecial" was apparently just an internal directory name.
Now, while two of the Where is DNF? pages were previously missing images, Grandy02 found a backup of the contents hosted on the legacy 3D Realms Site. So, I brought the missing images from there, and the copy of "Where is DNF?" hosted here should be complete now.
- May 26th, 2022
Better late than never, this page now has a table of contents! Thanks to Grandy02 for the suggestion.
In fact, this is a side-effect of Grandy02's work on the TmsT Vintage Archive, now available on the web. Additional details are given in a PCKF thread.
- February 19th, 2022
Thanks again to Grandy02 for yet another addition; Namely, about 30 Gothboy comics. Look for "Gothboy" further below for details.
Additionally, Grandy02 told me that the missing images from the 100th Strife interviews with Todd and Scott were actually uploaded by me, but to a different folder. As of today, they should appear in the matching interview pages.
- January 29th, 2021
Guess what? There's another update! Thanks to Grandy02 for the findings via the Wayback Machine again.
- The Sluggy comic Doomed is back! The htm page was actually backed up beforehand, it's just that the images were originally referenced from tmst.twu.net, while not being archived.
The Wayback Machine didn't grant access to pages if a robots.txt file was found, even if it was added after archiving (including unrelated sites at the original addresses).
This had been changed since 2017, so the images are now available again.
On a side-note, it looks like I already changed hyperlinks in a copy of the page in the past, so it would point to local image files (that didn't exist);
For an unknown reason, I apparently replaced the .gif file extension with .jpg at the time.
- Grandy02 also found a copy of COMING SOON -Trailer-, a Flash animation. In fact, it turns out that I already had all files, just split across separate thisstrife and thatstrife trees.
Thus, you've gotten two more examples of contents from Sluggy to check out again!
- January 15th, 2021
It hasn't been that long since the last update here, but as it turns out, there's another one.
As written by Grandy02 about the comic strip "The Universe Is Toast" from The Chasm of Chills:
"Neither the fifth page of the comic nor the author's notes were archived by the Internet Archive."
However, with regards to the page itself: "Fortunately, the former was backed up by KeenRush."
Thus, Grandy02 has sent me the missing page of the comic.
With the exception of the author's notes, you can now go through the whole comic strip again!
- January 12th, 2021
Thanks to Captain Tzarafi of the Strife community, you can now (re)check part 2 of...Captain Tzarafi!
This was one part out of a 2-part comic in the style of Sluggy's comics.
I also added lines with no URLs or names, representing Sluggy comics which are still missing, as I already did under "Partial list of Strifes".
Speaking of which, albeit not currently present here, all of the original This/That Strife's comics should now be back!
In fact, last year, Peter Bridger of This Strife decided to bring Strife back, in a way; The current incarnation is titled "Strife Forever".
For more details, you can check the Strife Forever website: http://www.strifeforever.com/
There's also a Discord server: https://discord.gg/RMB9z5k
- October 17th, 2020
Thanks to the efforts of Grandy02 from the PCKF and the blessings of Andrew Kepple (aka Sluggy), most of the original contents of The Chasm of Chills and The Chasm of Strife were backed up, following the assistance of the Internet Archive.
I got the contents from Grandy02, who also did the work of updating some links where it made sense, and added them to here. Just for one example, this covers links from The Chasm of Strife to pages within The Chasm of Chills.
A subset of the contents is still missing. Examples should now be listed below.
- April 3th, 2019
This is just a small update that links to the renewed Strife collection have been updated, since the shorter thatstrife.com domain had expired. The following direct Tumblr URL (which worked even in the very beginning) can be used at the moment: http://strifestrips.tumblr.com/
- December 30th, 2014
More than two years and a half since the last "Unofficial Strife" was uploaded, a new one is available! As it's the end of 2014 now, and Keen Dreams source codes have been available since September, Billy Blaze (also known as Commander Keen) can have a little vacation, at least in a comic. Enjoy!
- June 25th, 2013
Been a bit long since any other post here... I guess a minor status update worths to be mentioned.
After not much more than a year since the renewed Strife collection on Tumblr has been put up on the web by Peter Bridger (nicknamed Maverick back in the days), 66 original Strife comics have been automatically (for most) re-uploaded so far. Thanks again to him for bringing these up! I have read these again, and considering what had happened before, I don't want to let them disappear yet again! This is why I store a backup of them here (and also locally).
Oh yeah, among these 66 comics, another minor-trilogy has been completed as of yesterday: Attack of the Clones. So, if not yet done then you may want to read something!
- May 18th, 2012
Guess what? For some reason I've decided to construct a Strife! Well, at least as an unofficial one. For a few more details, and for viewing it... well, you may check it out!
- April 29th, 2012
Here is a bit different kind of an update I've thought about, mainly because it's not exactly a Strife feature... although TMST (i.e. Sluggy, or Andrew Kepple) had eventually been involved in a way.
The old-new addition for today is: Shadowlands - The Animated Series! What is found here are two episodes originally brought to you by Chris Hendricks (aka Ilsoap), and a third unofficial episode coming from Sluggy. As of today, the first two episodes may be watched on the original Shadowlands site. As for the third one, it was originally hosted on This Strife! So, here is a good excuse I've got for adding these :P
- April 23th, 2012
Is it just a coincidence that this happens on a Monday again...
- I've thought of adding a new image gallery. It consists of some older random images I've found from the older Strife websites, now appearing on a single page.
- Yet again: A very Gothboy christmas. This time, the original page from This Strife is used, with the embedded Flash file obtained from elsewhere. The link to the Flash song later on this page has been updated to point to this page.
- Yeah, I know... Another Strife is up from Mav: We’re back. As an alternative, you can also check its backup right here.
- April 16th, 2012
Yes, a few more of these:
- April 15th, 2012
A couple of updates:
- Somehow, I've recently spotted yet another Gothboy comic! I refer to 0054-slug-alanrickman, which can now be viewed.
- Earlier, I've also gotten a short StripEditor-made comic downloaded, posted on a 3D Realms forum thread. It's up now.
Following here is a link to the thread, but I'm warning: Almost all of the contents have been lost! Link: StripEditor thread @ 3DR
- April 9th, 2012
Looks like Mav's new Strife page has moved to http://www.thatstrife.com/. Yes, it's the same URL originally used for the older That Strife site! The other URL for the new page still appears to work, but that may change every day.
On a related note, as expected from his news post (a strife for every Monday), another old Strife is now up: Hax0r. As with the other three Strifes, I've made a backup copy of it here.
- April 8th, 2012
Well, I've got some very good news for all readers here! Maverick has located the forum topic on duke4.net used for discussing about this section. As a result, he's started a new page on* http://strifestrips.tumblr.com/, currently hosting the very first 3 Strifes originally uploaded to This Strife. Backup copies should now be available on this section as well. As a future reference, simply look for the link on the top of this page.
You can read his relevant post from this day (April 8th, 2012) on Strife Streams.
* NOTE: Just a day has passed, and the Strife page has already been relocated to the address of... http://www.thatstrife.com/! It's still powered by Tumblr, though. Oh, and there's one more strife to read for all of you!
- March 31th, 2012
A few more updates have been applied. Among these, well, lets say I've forgotten to add links to a few more interviews that I've actually prepared... These should now be ready. Thanks to Strife Streams for reminding me there's more than one interview with Ken!
- March 28th, 2012
Well, there are already other minor updates to add! Here is a list:
- As a later Strife Strip has just been added, I've thought of preparing an old Strip Editor page to be readable. I've already had it, just not ready for having it up for viewing in a (mostly) proper form. So, here it is!
- In case you wonder where is the part "A couple of user submitted comics", well, I've basically combined these with Jinroh's recently uploaded comic. Look for "Later Strife Strips made with the Strip Editor" on this page. Truly, after being a bit unsure, I've realized these two comics were basically of the same "kind" as Jinroh's (i.e. later Strips made with the Editor).
- Just a minor thing: Looks like some This Strife title picture was missing from Bob Averill's Maps page. Well, the page itself comes from a partial backup of That Strife, while a copy of the image is rather available from the partial This Strife backup! Anyway, it shall be corrected now.
- March 27th, 2012
Well, I've thought that I may post here whenever some update actually pops up (mainly an addition of something); Especially as we've actually got one!
Thanks to Jinroh from the Duke4.net Forums, an "old new" Strife Strips comic constructed by him with the so-called Strip Editor has been added. Current link for viewing: September 29th, 2007: Oh Snap - Tsume
The only "This Strife" comic survived so far
(from the original sites, not the recent re-uploads)
May 14th, 2001: 3DMark1996
The Chasm of Chills and The Chasm of Strife
Mostly complete backups of Sluggy's pages, with some exceptions. Examples are listed after the links.
The Chasm of Strife
The Chasm of Chills - Redirection to The Chasm of Strife
The Chasm of Chills
Some missing contents:
CK in CI: NEW IMPROVED FLAVOR! (ck22-gbckeen.htm): A GIF file is missing. An HTML source comment says that this file was originally located in a separate website.
Striflash: The U.B.E.R.-Forums (ck21-striflash.htm): Missing the SWF file.
The PCKF Commander Keen Calendar for 2003 (ck19-calendar.htm): Missing links to a subset of the images / dates.
King Sluggy's Film Review: BOND TRAILER (ck18-bondt.htm): Missing images.
"To The Future" (ck15-2thefuturemp3.htm): Missing the MP3 file.
"Universe = Toast" (ck12-missu.htm): Missing contents.
"Return to the Shadowlands" (ck10return.htm): Missing contents.
"Disco Keen!" (disco.html, disco2.html): Missing the midi file.
Commander Keen in "The Universe Is Toast" - Part 5 (kend05.html): Missing the author's notes.
A few Web Comics Sucks (WCS) selections, Gothboy included in one
A brief introduction (This is not a comic)
210706995228 (Name unknown)
699583335304 (Name unknown)
A few more Gothboy selections
Some stuff shown here actually comes from http://reocities.com/Athens/Thebes/2292/, an old site hosted by Waffles on Geocities. Oh wait, it's a backup of the site hosted on Reocities!
There is also one comic taken off this: http://www.myspace.com/clairobscur_raje/photos/24076084#{%22ImageId%22%3A24076084}
As for 0054-slug-alanrickman, it has been saved thanks to the following page: http://alanrickman.wikispaces.com/Pictures
Japanese Gothboy [English]
Japanese Gothboy [German]
Promotions at Work [English]
Promotions at Work [German]
Note: All of the Flash movies may be made for specific browser/frame window proportions.
As for the Christmas one, I'd add it has been found on: http://uploads.ungrounded.net/142000/142035_xmas.swf
Some Flash movie for Halloween
A very Gothboy christmas
Additional Gothboy comics, plus one Flash animation
These were located by Grandy02, and are split into separate groups.
The first group includes comics found in a Strife forum's thread, titled web comic sux.
The .bmp files originally had the file extension of .txt instead. Grandy02's guess was that this was done due to GeoCities restricting external linking of images.
The second group consists of comics from the TmsT Flash animation Gothic MC (hidden bonus), extracted with SWFTools.
Note that these comics were included in JPEG format, so they might not have the original quality.
gothboy.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0001-chol-firsttheworst.gif.
gotboy2.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0002-chol-french.gif.
SLUGGOT1.gif, posted by Sluggy. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0005-slug-heavenhell.gif.
lij1.jpg, posted by Ren/JPD2002. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0006-jpd-lij.jpg.
gotboy4.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0012-chol-darkness1.gif.
gotboy5.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0007-chol-killingspree.gif.
gotboy7.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0009-chol-parole.gif.
gotboy8.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0010-chol-smile.gif.
gotboy9.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0014-chol-bela.gif.
gothgirlcomp.gif, posted by Sluggy.
gotboy10.gif, posted by Cholerae. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0017-chol-areply.gif.
gb-buildtemplate.bmp, posted by Adereth. It's unclear if it was considered to be a Gothboy comic.
gb-baum.bmp, posted by Adereth. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0040-addy-baum!!11.gif.
wcs-sinking.bmp, posted by Adereth. Presumed Gothboy site filename: Maybe 0039-addy-apology.gif.
wcs-keeple-hate.bmp, posted by Adereth. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0048-addy-tmsthates.gif.
gotboy25.gif, posted by Mosquito.
GBPETROK.PNG, posted by Ness.
581.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0015-slug-facialhair.gif.
583.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0003-chol-vampyre.gif.
587.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0004-ant-absinthe.gif.
594.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0013-slug-darkness2.gif.
596.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0008-chol-jail.gif.
602.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0011-slug-smile2.gif.
606.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0035-chol-slugophile.gif.
608.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0036-chol-charades-stillbirth.gif.
610.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0037-slug-charades2.gif.
612.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0038-slug-charades3.gif.
614.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0043-chol-babyeating.gif.
620.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0030-slug-gothduck.gif.
622.jpg. Presumed Gothboy site filename: 0053-slug-nofriends.gif.
A couple of older Strife Strips
A snippet(?) out of... October 2nd, 2005: This Strife reloaded
October 21st, 2006: Shorts - Apogee presents Mist
Later Strife Strips made with the Strip Editor
Two user submitted comics (probably unmodified since then and up to being posted as actual "Strife Strips"):
August 18th, 2007: STOP in the name of Duke
UserComic2_2007-7-22 (GUESSED DETAILS: August 25th, 2007: General Duke)
Another such comic in its original form:
September 29th, 2007: Oh Snap - Tsume
A strip posted by lookatme on a 3D Realms forums thread:
Strip from 3DR by lookatme
Oh, one more thing: If you check out the Strip Editor page, you'd find a couple of original Strips while being edited appearing. Furthermore, if you obtain the Strip Editor source code (yes it's up!), you can find a little amount of comics, possibly not in their "final" states. There are also a couple of backgrounds from the "Strife world" over there, so at least we can see a few more peaks into it!
Strip Editor
Strip Editor - A page about an editor used for the later Strife Strips.
Features - A tribute To Build (selections)
Scott Miller interview
Ken Silverman interview
Bob Averill interview
Exclusive: Polytex, Build version 2.0
Features - A few things done for 100th Strife celebrations (interviews)
Warning: A few links to embedded pics might be broken, as they haven't been found.
Furthermore, what could be saved (most things) are basically interviews (there's one page currently missing).
During week 1: Interview with Sluggy
Week 2: Interview with Todd
Week 3: Interview with Scott
Features - Where is DNF?
Introduction about DNF
Todd Replogle speaks about DNF
An exclusive look at DNF
Features - Actual features page
Yep, there is such a thing! Here is a copy of it for some things not covered beforehand.
And... here we go: Features
A few more interviews
Todd Replogle interview, 19th December 2001
Ken Silverman interview, 19th December 2001
Jean-Philip interview, 29th April 2002
Matt Hildred interview, 25th January 2003
An actual list of interviews. It lists the same four interviews, along with the "100th Strife" interviews.
StrifeToons (all of the 4 Flash videos!)
Episode 1 - Pilot episode
Episode 2 - Marine and the DukeBurger outlet (Part 1)
StrifeToons mailbag
Episode 3 - Marine and the DukeBurger outlet (Part 2)
Oh, one more thing: An animation planned to be the opening gag for StrifeToons episode 4. Alright, here we go:
Episode 4, kind of - Pacman Valentine's
Shadowlands - The Animated Series
Alright, these were not originally a part of the Strife sites...possibly with the exception of the unofficial 3rd episode :)
The first two were produced by Ilsoap and (as of April 29th, 2012) may still be watched on the original Shadowlands sites. The 3rd is an unofficial episode coming from Sluggy.
Shadowlands: Episode I - "Leggo My Yego"
Shadowlands: Episode II preview
Shadowlands: Episode II - "The War Is Afoot"
Shadowlands: Unofficial Episode III - "King Lick, Crazy"
A little about Strife Strips
What is this place? - An old description about Strife Strips
Bob Averill's Maps
Bob Averill's Maps - A few maps done by Bob Averill; Three are SP, two more MP, and the other two were made for Strifes (sorry, I think none of these are up at the moment).
Selected comics from Sluggy
sps_20030518_Duke_Millionaire _PART_1
sps_20030524_Duke_Millionaire _PART_2
sps_20030531_Duke_Millionaire _PART_3
sps_20030607_Duke_Millionaire _PART_4
sps_20030614_Duke_Millionaire _PART_5
sps_20030621_Duke_Millionaire _FINALE
05/07/2003 - *
23/08/2003 - *
06/09/2003 - *
15/11/2003 - *
An old "Strife Strips" introduction Flash movie
A page with the movie - Originally posted on thatstrife.com, when strifestrips.com was born. This can be considered the latest update originally done on thatstrife.com.